Utrecht, April 18, 2024 - Good and accessible care for everyone, that is what the Arts and Care Group stands for. As far as the largest primary care organization in the Netherlands is concerned, digitization is as inevitable as it is functional to keep care accessible. For future-proof GP care, innovation and efficiency are crucial. New solutions give people more insight into and control over their health. For example, at some practices of Physician and Care directly to the general practitioner on the line, who can immediately give targeted advice and, if necessary, an appointment is made immediately. With Digital Healthcare, the group focuses on developing online services and infrastructure with the same quality and safety as traditional general practitioners. Care is also provided to specific groups, such as prisoners, asylum seekers and military personnel.

Photo: Physician and Care, Video appointment patient on screen
Innovative family medicine
The Arts and Care Group offers innovative general practitioner care with over twenty Arts and Care health centers across the country. In order to continue to guarantee good quality in the long term, we are constantly looking at ways to make general practitioner care future-proof. Various digital and hybrid solutions ensure that care providers can continue to provide quality care, even in times of shortage. Examples include online patient environment HuisartsDichtbij and the app. Care is also provided to target groups where access to care differs, think of GP care for asylum seekers (GZA). And then there is the Medical Contact Center that offers organizations 24/7 remote home health care via chat, phone or video.
Care of the future
Amon van den Borg, CEO Arts and Care Group, on the future of healthcare: "To guarantee good care, a change in the existing ecosystem is necessary. The workload among care providers must be reduced, otherwise in a few years it will really be impossible to cope. As Arts and Care Group, we are contributing to this with our innovative care model. All Arts en Zorg GP practices use HuisartsDichtbij, the online patient environment that is also used by local independent GPs. With the app, patients receive digital care when they can and physical care at your own local practice when necessary. This creates a hybrid form of care that benefits both care providers and patients. Innovation, efficiency and personal attention - these are the most important aspects of the care of the future."