Why is the company called ThisisnotPRagency.com?
We continue where PR agencies stop. For us, attention is not a goal, but a tool. We create stories of interest to journalists and see PR and storytelling as part of the marketing mix (although PR is not marketing). We approach the process of sharing stories as a kind of sales, "selling" stories to journalists, who in turn "sell" those stories to their readers.
Are you a PR agency?
Yes, in essence, we are a PR agency. We create, manage and monitor strategic PR campaigns. The difference between us and regular PR agencies? We are entrepreneurial professionals with a broader view of PR and entrepreneurship. We act as an engaged sparring partner with an eye for entrepreneurship and strive to achieve overall business goals. We enjoy working with the growth and marketing team and provide broader advice as needed.
Why should I choose a 4, 8 or 12-month partnership?
PR and storytelling take time. Through multiple contact moments spread over at least 4 months, Dutch (industry) media and their readers become interested in your story. An 8-month collaboration usually leads to national media attention and the achievement of your goals. After 12 months an expert status is created, whereby your company, concept or individual acquires a strong position in the Dutch media.
What is your process?
We look for relevant news stories within your organization. We translate these stories into press releases, mailings and invitations for interviews. We distribute these via precise targeting to journalists. By creating different contact moments, we maintain good relationships and stay in touch with the target audience. We also interact with journalists and use relevant statistics from our press software to determine necessary follow-up steps. If stories are not picked up, we adjust the strategy. Press releases are part of how we work, but certainly not the only focus. Continuity is crucial and persistence pays off!
What is PR anno 2024?
PR provides visibility and visibility creates opportunity. Journalists are the fourth power within Montesquieu's model. Validation and publication by that fourth power provides not only validation, but also visibility and thus opportunities. Depending on the organization's goals, a strategic PR campaign can contribute to personal branding, sales, attracting partners, staff or investors.
Are press releases the holy grail in PR?
No. While press releases are still valuable to a successful PR campaign, today there are more ways and channels to contact journalists.
How many press contacts does the company have?
ThisisnotaPRagency has a database of over 1 million press contacts. This allows us to serve basically any sector or industry and approach the right journalists worldwide.
Do you give guarantees?
ThisisnotaPRagency guarantees that we only take on assignments where we believe we can deliver PR value. We search for relevant news media and conduct various PR experiments. Based on these experiments, publications or lessons learned follow, on which we can adjust or intensify the strategy.
What is storytelling and how do you do it?
Storytelling is telling cohesive stories related to your organization, brand, concept or person. The stories must be relevant to the target audience and depend on the objectives. Initially, the target audience is journalists and their readers, viewers or listeners. Interviewing individuals within the organization creates hooks, stories, angles and backgrounds.
What industries do you operate in?
News value can basically be created in any sector or industry. We enjoy working for startups and scale-ups in the technology sector, healthcare, financial and business services, and sustainability. We also work for governments and investment clubs.
What is the most important part in PR?
Several components are important to the success of a PR campaign, including the press release, communications, relationships, talking pictures, the right journalists, re-activation, the power of repetition and continuity.
Can we get a discount?
Since we are a company focused on words and storytelling, we are not so fond of numbers :-). Therefore, we can offer a one-time discount of 5% when paying the annual fee in one go. This saves both of us a lot of administration and time, which we can better use to tell your stories.